Saturday, November 17, 2007

I invite you to post your questions and inspiring thoughts about The Human Antenna and any issues raised on my website .

One main thesis for the book is that we are in fact connective tissue - connected to each other, nature and the universe both locally and non locally. Our psychic abilities are natural, rather than supernatural, and at their best when we are 'earthed', compassionate and relaxed.

As humans evolve into this state, we can achieve remarkable 'field' effects creating an environment of peace and ecological balance.

I welcome your comments!


T'nJ said...

It is wonderful to read Robin Kelly's book and see how there is such a rich interrelatedness between the many different dimensions that we, as human beings, are able to experience this manifestation we call life.

Thankfully, the time of limiting our understanding of science, physiology and consciousness to purely Cartesian logic has been superseded by a wealth of new models such as system theory and unified field theory. Robin shares his insights into this exciting world and how it relates to the subtle energy workings of our bodies and the parallels with the micro and macrocosm. It is time for mainstream medicine to catch up with these important concepts and help bring about a more complete and compassionate health care system.

This is a huge journey for all of us. Albert Einstein reminded us of the enormity and beauty of the connection we have with all that there is - "A human being is a part of the whole called by us 'Universe' - a part limited in time and space. We express ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest...a kind of 'optical illusion of consciousness'. This delusion is like a prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must surely be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace ALL living creatures and the WHOLE of nature in its beauty."

RobinK said...

Thanks Tim. This indeed is the new science of life -a science that has to embrace, not shun concepts such as compassion. The ultimate expression of compassion in humans is for all of nature. This opens us up to peak and synchronous experiences, with nature in turn guiding and leading us to further truths.
Our medical system has for too long ignored that compassionate intent lies at the root of deep healing -somehow excluding it by judging the efficacy of treatments against 'placebo' -Latin for I shall please.In other words - compassionate intent

The new models must include a deeper understanding of 'placebo' and feel comfortable in seeking ways to prolong and enhance its effect.

Anne said...

Having heard of you for the first time today, I can only look forward in anticipation to reading your books.

However, during your interview on "Dreamland," you mentioned the technique of touching points on the body while saying:

"Even though I (malady), I really and deeply love and respect myself."

The wording taught by Gary Craig's Emotional Freedom Technique is almost identical.

"Even though I (malady), I deeply and completely accept myself."

Who came first--the Craig or the Kelly?


Anne said...

Having heard of you for the first time today, I can only look forward in anticipation to reading your books.

However, during your interview on "Dreamland," you mentioned the technique of touching points on the body while saying:

"Even though I (malady), I really and deeply love and respect myself."

The wording taught by Gary Craig's Emotional Freedom Technique is almost identical.

"Even though I (malady), I deeply and completely accept myself."

Who came first--the Craig or the Kelly?

ill Jill said...

wat up! i've just been reading various pages of the book, but gotta return it 2 the library tomorrow, pretty cool. :) Jill, 31 yrs ,Auckland.

RobertO said...

After seeing Avatar yesterday and then seeing the synopsis for your appearance on Coast tonight, I do believe the timing is synchronous. I will be getting Human Antenna to help me expand my belief in this area, and listening tonight. And I would love to know how much James Cameron may have been influenced by Human Aerial and your other research. Something tells me the movie will be bringing more believers in. Thank you!